Blog Post
Our latest blog has been written by Kaleb, a year 6 pupil.
This blog is from the pupils of Year 6 at Appledore Primary School who have been working towards improving their pond as a legacy for future generations of the school.
Kaleb, a Year 6 pupil describes how they have been getting involved:
We had to measure the new perimeter for our new pond, in order to work out a design. Then we had to start fishing out the wildlife in the pond to make sure they weren’t hurt in the process. Rose the Ranger from Northam Burrows and Jack from the biosphere project came to help us. We caught a lot of newts and things that looked like woodlice but our ID chart told us they were called Water Slaters.
With a grant from the ANOB, we dug the pond out because we thought the old floor had a hole and we wanted to make the pond better for wildlife. Year 6 helped to design the area and think how they could help lots of wildlife..
With help from parents and the Friends of group the pond was dug and relined a large willow tree was removed. This has which has given better access and lots of light to the pond. Year 6 have helped to reseed the area with at wetland mix and put back flag iris and native pond plants such as Ragged Robin. Over 100 newts and other wildlife was put back into the pond and we are looking forward to seeing the area develop. The Friends of Appledore School raised funds for new fencing and a pond dipping platform and Northam Town Council supplied trees and person power to add a mixed hedgerow that will form a wildlife friendly boundary!

Great work guys!
Pledge for Nature project update
Jul 10, 2023
The Pledge for Nature Project has come to an end. Find out what happens next here:
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