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What is A pledge for nature?

It's Time to ACT!

Pledge for Nature is a campaign to galvanise community action for nature’s recovery across the North Devon UNESCO Biosphere and beyond.

Our wildlife has been in decline for decades, with iconic species like breeding cuckoos, lapwings and curlews disappearing from North Devon, insects and wildflowers from our meadows and salmon from our rivers. Immediate action is needed to help North Devon’s nature to flourish again in our farmland, woods, gardens, rivers and open spaces.
For more information on the Biodiversity crisis: Watch Sir David Attenborough's: A Life on Our Planet or visit the UN Convention for Biological Diversity.

Find out How pledges work

Our aims to MAKE NORTHERN devon
a better place for nature

Make space for nature icon
Make Space for NAture
respond to change to biosphere
More Community Action
Protect biosphere
Protect for the future

Over the coming years, with the help of our conservation partners, we will be promoting seasonal activities to tackle the most pressing problems. We need your help to make it happen! So we are inviting individuals, community groups, schools, businesses and particularly farmers to pledge to tackle priority issues for nature’s recovery.

Pledge for nature trophynature champion

Become a nature champion

Please choose 1 or more activities from below and help save nature.
We call this, “Creating a Pledge for Nature”.

The more people who join the movement, the more pledges we can gather and the bigger the difference we can make together. Why not become a Nature Champion today?

Pledge for Nature update

Project Legacy 30th June 2023

The Pledge for Nature Project has come to an end. However, you can still use the website to make Pledges choosing from the activities below and your pledge will go onto the Pledge map!

Make a Nature Plan

Make a Nature Plan

A nature recovery plan should set out a medium-term plan for the creation of more nature rich habitats in our towns, villages, cities and the surrounding countryside. We suggest that each plan covers an initial five or ten-year period, although many of the projects that communities will want to start, such as planting oak trees for example, will take much longer to come to maturity.

Big Butterfly Count

Big Butterfly Count

Butterfly Conservation need our help recording butterflies in gardens, farms and communities across the UK. Create a pledge to let us know that you have downloaded the app and are getting involved! The Big Butterfly Count 2022 will run from Friday 15th July to Sunday 7th August. Photo credit: Rob Wolton, brown hairstreak butterfly

Create a wildflower patch

Create a wildflower patch

Use the advice to create a wildflower patch (a seed tray on your window, a patch on your lawn or a meadow on your lane verge or farm). Cover photo credit: Gaia Trust.

Create a wildlife pond

Create a wildlife pond

Big or small; creating a pond in your garden or farm is a great way of inviting wildlife including amphibians, birds and insects to your patch! Photo credit: Nick Withers

Sign Nature Recovery Declaration

Sign Nature Recovery Declaration

In Summer 2021, the Biosphere launched an ambitious new Nature Recovery Plan as part of our contribution to tackling the ecological emergency here in northern Devon, aligning with the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan and the Prime Minister’s pledge for 30% of the UK land to be protected by 2030. The plan include five action plans which details the priorities for the key land types in the Biosphere. Please sign the Nature Recovery Declaration by completing the form below to pledge your support for nature’s recovery in northern Devon. Cover Image: David Chamberlain

Community Orchard

Community Orchard

The North Devon Biosphere in partnership with Orchards Live and financially supported by the Devon County Council locality grants scheme and the National Lottery Heritage Fund (as part of the Pledge for Nature project) are offering small grants towards the creation and management of community orchards. Traditional orchards are in decline across Devon and are recognised for their important biodiversity and community value.

Citizen Science

Citizen Science

Take part in research and recording of wildlife and habitats to help to increase our scientific knowledge. You can usually record sightings on an organisation's website or increasingly through specialised apps for your phone.

Save Your Soil

Save Your Soil

Soil is a combination of minerals, organic, matter, air, water and living organisms (Soil Association). However, our soils are degrading at an alarming rate and we need to preserve it to sustain life. As the wet winter weather comes in it's good to consider that well drained and well structured soils allow water to enter more quickly and therefore reduce the risk of run-off and erosion. Image: Soils leaving the UK Satellite Image

Volunteer for a local event

Volunteer for a local event

As well as events run by Pledge for Nature, we also encourage you to create your pledge today detailing the local volunteering event you have joined (or possibly created).

Create a bug haven

Create a bug haven

Insects pollinate three quarters of our food crops, as well as being the main food source for many birds, small mammals and fish. And yet, 41% of insects face extinction, let’s help them out!

Other activity

Other activity

To help nature’s recovery, you are welcome to pledge other activities - they do not need to be seasonal although together with our partners, we encourage you to consider those first for maximum impact.

Let a corner go wild

Let a corner go wild

A wild patch in your garden, farm or business area can be crucial for wildlife. A bramble patch may have a blackbird or wren nesting. A pile of logs or stones could provide a refuge for slow worms or lizards. Having a wild patch can give creatures a place to relax without human disturbance.

Help for hedgehogs

Help for hedgehogs

Hedgehogs need our help! There are 3 things that you can do to help hedgehogs in your area: Survey, Take Action and Become a Hedgehog Champion! Can you pledge to create a hedgehog friendly area in your garden or farm by creating a log pile or compost heap, or making a hedgehog home or highway.



Fruit trees and orchards provide a benefit to wildlife including pollinators such as bees, and birds such as fieldfares will eat windfall apples and fruit.

No Mow May

No Mow May

Pretty simple this one - put your lawn mower away this May and see your lawn come alive!

Plant a native tree

Plant a native tree

The best time of year to plant trees is between November-March (Woodland Trust). Trees are vital for life on earth, harbour a high amount of wildlife, and can make a real difference in solving the Climate Emergency. Explore here for advice, guidance and grants for planting the right trees in the right places.

Install a bat box

Install a bat box

Devon is incredibly lucky to have some really special bats that you often don’t find find in the rest of the country. Devon Bat Group have recorded 16 species of British bats out of a potential 18, including Lesser and Greater Horseshoes, Nathusius Pipistrelles and Grey Long Eared bats. Devon supports such a significant proportion of UK bat species because of its mild climate, its diverse landscape with a complex pattern of different natural and farmed habitats for feeding and roosting, and its generally low levels of light pollution. Photo: Pipistrelle bat

What will you do?

how pledges work

5 steps to make all the difference


Field and trees

Choose your Activity

To start creating your pledge today, start by choosing an activity from the options above that suits your nature interests. You can create multiple pledges today but one-at-a-time by using the form.


Create a Pledge

Once you have decided what activity you would like to do, simply fill in the simple form on the Create a Pledge page. The more data you supply, the more good we can do. It takes < 1 minute to complete.


review pledge

We will Review your Pledge

Once you have created your pledge and submitted the online form, our keen team will review your pledge and approve it within 48 hours so please bear with us.


Pledge map

View your Pledge on our Map

Once approved, your pledge will appear as a pin on our Pledge Map. If you have submitted multiple pledges, you will see multiple pledge pins on the map (nice work!).


pledge for nature steps

Complete+Share your Pledge

Naturally, we would like as many people as possible to join the movement to Pledge for Nature. You can help by sharing your individual Pledge Page to your social media channels & encourage others to do the same. Thank you!


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Save Nature

Help your local Biosphere

Make Devon a better place to live

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"The global Climate and Ecological Emergency may seem daunting but by acting together as a community, we can make a real difference!"

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Pledge for Nature project update

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