Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
We recognise that public rights of way and walking and cycling trails in Devon provide an opportunity for local people to take exercise and get some fresh air in these difficult times. Please read information and advice about using these paths during this outbreak.
South West Coast Path
The South West Coast Path runs from Minehead in Somerset and Poole Harbour in Dorset. It is England's longest National Trail and it takes you through the Biosphere Reserve.
The South West Coast path runs along the wonderful and scenic north Devon coast, most of which is also an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Find out more about the South West Coast Path section by section, as well as circular walks that link to it and services and facilities along it. South West Coast Path website.
Braunton Burrows
Braunton Burrows, the core area of the Biosphere is a sand dune system which is home to a large number of rare plants and animals.
The Burrows are owned and managed by Christie Estates, who play a vital part through its Stewardship Agreement with Natural England. They support many educational activities as a part of that agreement.
Braunton Burrows
Natural England
Local Nature Reserves
Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are all about connecting people and wildlife. They are places with special wildlife of local interest and are living green spaces that are important to people. Within the Biosphere Reserve there are six designated
Whether it is coppicing, tree planting or path improvements, LNRs provide a variety of opportunities to get involved with the management and upkeep of these sites that are so valuable to communities and wildlife. Find out about volunteering opportunities within the Biosphere Reserve.
The Biosphere Reserve team are keen to help set up further LNRs. If you are aware of land (usually publicly owned) that is important for wildlife and people please contact us to find out more about the designation process. Ford Woods LNR was designated an LNR in 2013. It is a 7ha site of ancient semi-natural woodland, owned by Bideford Town Council. Grid Ref: SS 450 258.
Fremington LNR - comprises of two separate areas. Lovell's Fields is a 4Ha wet grassland important for both wildlife and flood prevention, owned by North Devon District Council. Leat Meadow is a 3Ha mixture of woodland, coppice, scrub and wildflower-rich grassland owned by Fremington Parish Council. Fremington LNR Leaflet
Hillsborough LNR - cliff top grasslands owned by North Devon Council and situated on the edge of Ilfracombe. This site is also a Scheduled Ancient Monument. Management Plan
Kenwith Valley - on the edge of Bideford, this site is owned by Torridge District Council. A friends group currently manage the site which includes a lake, new woodlands and traditional grasslands. The North Devon Biosphere have produced an assessment of the site to help guide future
management. Kenwith LNR Assessment 2016 Kenwith Management Plan 2017
Kynoch's Foreshore LNR - designated in October 2011, this site is made up of the saltmarsh and mudflats owned or leased by Torridge District Council and the adjacent section of Tarka Trail, owned by Devon County Council. The LNR includes the largest saltmarsh in Torridge District and one of the most significant areas of saltmarsh in the whole Taw Torridge Estuary complex.
Meddon Green - was designated an LNR in 2006. It is owned by Hartland Parish Council and is Devon's only culm grassland LNR. It is run by an active management group with representatives from the parish council, local community and North Devon Biosphere. Management Plan 2017-27