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the pledge map

See all the good work being done

Every pledge that is created in the Pledge for Nature section of this website creates a green ‘pledge pin’ which is then placed on the pledge map below. Get inspired today by interacting with the map to see what other people are doing in the North Devon Biosphere, perhaps even in your area.

Once you are ready to create your pledge, simply read more about how pledges work below and complete the Create a Pledge online form: it takes < 1 minute!

learn more about pledges

KEY: Click on the top left toolbar to see different pledge types.
The grey area shows the extent of the North Devon UNESCO Biosphere.
This is the focus of our project, but if you would like to submit a Pledge outside this area, please feel free!

Our aims to MAKE NORTHERN devon
a better place for nature

Make space for nature icon
Make Space for NAture
respond to change to biosphere
More Community Action
Protect biosphere
Protect for the future

Over the coming years, with the help of our conservation partners, we will be promoting seasonal activities to tackle the most pressing problems. We need your help to make it happen! So we are inviting individuals, community groups, schools, businesses and particularly farmers to pledge to tackle priority issues for nature’s recovery.

how pledges work

5 steps to make all the difference


Field and trees

Choose your Activity

To start creating your pledge today, start by choosing an activity from the options above that suits your nature interests. You can create multiple pledges today but one-at-a-time by using the form.


Create a Pledge

Once you have decided what activity you would like to do, simply fill in the simple form on the Create a Pledge page. The more data you supply, the more good we can do. It takes < 1 minute to complete.


review pledge

We will Review your Pledge

Once you have created your pledge and submitted the online form, our keen team will review your pledge and approve it within 48 hours so please bear with us.


Pledge map

View your Pledge on our Map

Once approved, your pledge will appear as a pin on our Pledge Map. If you have submitted multiple pledges, you will see multiple pledge pins on the map (nice work!).


pledge for nature steps

Complete+Share your Pledge

Naturally, we would like as many people as possible to join the movement to Pledge for Nature. You can help by sharing your individual Pledge Page to your social media channels & encourage others to do the same. Thank you!


The movement

Save Nature

Help your local Biosphere

Make Devon a better place to live

Get active

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